By Naval Asija MD A computer is a machine that works very fast and makes things easy. How fast, depends mostly on the hardware, and how easy mostly depends on the software. Software or applications are fancy terms for the computer program. A computer program determines how well the computer is told to do things. “Machines are excellent workers, but poor leaders”. It can’t be truer than the case of computer programs. If you don’t tell the computer to do its task in a proper manner, it will never do it properly. Computer programs are based on stacks of information known as databases. And then, the written instructions tell the computer whether to run or not run elements of the database. This process of giving instructions to the computer is based on logic statements using binary results in the form of TRUE or FALSE and the use of “Operators” like IF and THEN, AND-OR, GREATER THAN-LESS THAN. The actual instructions to the computer are however provided through use of special programming languages like HTML, C++, and Python which are known by software engineers. They convert the above logic statements into “Code” and this process is called coding.
What If The Physician Can’t Alter The Database? What Skills Does The Physician Require?
The physician can intervene at the workflow part of the application while also forming the logic rules for running the parts of database. Programming rules that facilitate integration with the clinician’s workflow and enable quality information entry and increase usability of the application should be the physician’s top priority targets of intervention. The physician could use intelligence and clinical experience to make the user experience seamless, smooth and enjoyable. Some of the examples in this regard could be:
About the author: Dr. Naval Asija is from India and has a postgraduate qualification in health administration. He has worked for four years in Synodex, Innodata as a Med-Tech Physician. He currently writes about various health issues. You may also like reading his blog post A Typical Workday Of The Physician In A Healthcare IT Company that was posted on his personal blog.
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